Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day TWO of the Sketchers Shape Ups

I was going to post about WHAT I DIDN'T DO..... but I'll save that! I did want to make chocolate bread but got distracted.......
STEAMING MY BATHROOM FLOOR. Then when the floor was done it looked so good that I decided to ORGANIZE.........
Well then I needed something smaller to store towels and stuff on so I went on a HUNT......
After going to the Post Office and Shipping to Idaho....

I had put on my Shape Ups when I steamed the floor as I realized I was running up and down and up and down the stairs. Productive! I keep squeezing the backs of my thighs to see if I notice a difference. Probably takes more than TWO days!
Stairs, Post Office, Shopping...... and a trip to the........
CHIROPRACTOR. After very loud cracks I really felt "lighter". He said my neck was out so much that I wasn't getting proper blood flow and the adjustment got the blood going again! Wow, an excuse for those BLONDE moments......

I've really been thinking about the "things I don't want to live without" (like Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar)
I'll do that while my chocolate bread is rising tomorrow........
I have yet to take my Sketchers off; I'm good for one more trip up the stairs, I think!

1 comment:

  1. Yep! Nice and random :) But, it's your blog, so it's you! Thomas thinks you should get on twitter. I think that's silly.
